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Author Search all publications by the author Guntern, Manuela
Title Erkennen von Dialekten anhand von gesprochenem Schweizerhochdeutsch
Written in German
Source Journal Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik. - Stuttgart : Steiner
Volume 78
Year 2011
Issue 2
Page 155-187
Domains / Sociolinguistics / Speaker identification (sociolinguistics)
Domains / Language variation/Dialectology / Dialectology / Perceptual dialectology
Domains / Language variation/Dialectology / Standard language
Levels / Phonetics / Vowel duration (phonet.)
Levels / Phonology / Phonological system / Vowel system
Levels / Phonology / Vowel / Vowel length
Indo-European languages / Germanic / German / Other varieties of German / Swiss German
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Speaker identification (sociolinguistics) ; Dialektologie, perzeptuelle; Dialectology, perceptual; Folk dialectology; Perceptual dialectology ; Hochsprache; Schriftsprache; Acrolect; Standard language ; Lautquantität; Lautqualität; Quantität (phonet.) ; Quantity (phonet.) ; Qualität (phonet.) ; Quality (phonet.) ; Vowel duration (phonet.) ; Vowel system ; Vowel length ; Switzerland (German language in) ; Schweiz (dt. Sprache in der) ; Deutsch in der Schweiz; German in Switzerland; Swiss German