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Bibliographic description
Title Bon usage et variation sociolinguistique
perspectives diachroniques et traditions nationales
Involved pers. Ayres-Bennett, Wendy; Seijido, Magali
Place : Publ. Lyon: Ens éd.
Year 2013
Written in French
Extent 338 Seiten
Notes Literaturverzeichnis Seite 299-319
ISBN 978-2-84788-389-3
Series Langages
Selections from contents
Selections from contents
General topics / Conferences
General topics / History of linguistics / Theory of language (earlier periods) / Enlightenment (theory of language)
General topics / History of linguistics / Theory of language (earlier periods) / Historical lexicography
General topics / History of linguistics / Theory of language (earlier periods) / Renaissance (theory of language)
General topics / History of linguistics / History of linguistics (19th century)
General topics / History of linguistics / History of linguistics (20th century)
Domains / Language variation/Dialectology
Domains / Language variation/Dialectology / Dialectology / Regional language
Domains / Language variation/Dialectology / Standard language
Indo-European languages / Germanic / German
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English
Indo-European languages / Germanic / Dutch
Indo-European languages / Romance / French
Indo-European languages / Romance / French / French in Canada
Indo-European languages / Slavic languages / Russian
Non-Indo-European languages / Ural-Altaic language / Uralic languages / Finno-Ugric languages / Hungarian
Redirected from
Conferences ; Enlightenment (theory of language) ; Historical lexicography ; Renaissance (theory of language) ; History of linguistics (19th century) ; History of linguistics (20th century) ; Language variation/Dialectology ; Regional language ; Hochsprache; Schriftsprache; Acrolect; Standard language ; German ; English ; Holländisch; Dutch ; French ; Frankokanadisch; Franco Canadian; Kanada (fr. Sprache in) ; Canada (French language in) ; French in Canada ; Russian ; Hungarian
Subject terms
Colloque international Bon usage et variation sociolinguistique: perspectives diachroniques et traditions nationales ; Cambridge ; 16.07.2009-18.07.2009
Kirtchuk, Pablo. Wendy Ayres-Bennett (éd): Bon usage et variation sociolinguistique. Lyon: Ens éd., 2013, 2016
Haßler, Gerda. Wendy Ayres-Bennett (dir.): Bon usage et variation sociolinguistique. Lyon: École normale supérieure de Lyon, 2013, 2015