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Author Search all publications by the author Takada, Hiroyuki
Title Entfernte Vorbilder: die deutsche Sprachgeschichte und die Diskussion von 1868 - 1945 um die japanische Nationalsprache und -schrift
Written in German
Source Journal Muttersprache. - Wiesbaden : Gesellschaft für Deutsche Sprache
Volume 123
Year 2013
Issue 3
Page 242-262
General topics / History of linguistics / History of linguistics (19th century)
General topics / History of linguistics / History of linguistics (20th century)
Domains / Sociolinguistics / National language
Domains / Sociolinguistics / Language and society / Language criticism
Domains / Theory of language / Sprachinhaltsforschung
Domains / Language variation/Dialectology / Language norm
Domains / Language variation/Dialectology / Language cultivation
Domains / Language variation/Dialectology / Standard language
Levels / Graphemics / Syllabic writing / Kana
Levels / Lexicology / Loan word / Foreign word
Levels / Lexicology / Loan word / Sinism
Indo-European languages / Germanic / German
Non-Indo-European languages / Japanese
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History of linguistics (19th century) ; History of linguistics (20th century) ; Amtssprache; Official language; National language ; Language criticism ; Linguokulturelle Konzeptologie; Linguo-culturology; Weltbild (linguistisches) ; Worldview (linguistic) ; Ethnokulturologie; Ethnoculturology; Inhaltsbezogene Grammatik ; Language norm ; Language planning; Purification of language; Sprachpurismus; Sprachverfall; Language decay; Language cultivation ; Hochsprache; Schriftsprache; Acrolect; Standard language ; Hiragana; Katakana ; Foreign word ; Sinism ; German ; Japanese
Named Persons
Humboldt, Wilhelm von
Steinthal, Heymann