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Bibliographic description
Title Perfects in Indo-European languages and beyond
Involved pers. Crellin, Robert; Jügel, Thomas
Place : Publ. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company
Year 2020
Written in English
Extent xiv, 686 Seiten
ISBN 978-90-272-0737-1
Series Current issues in linguistic theory; volume 352
Selections from contents
Domains / Language typology / Historical comparative linguistics
Levels / Morphology / Inflection / Verb inflection / Periphrastic conjugation
Levels / Morphology / Inflection / Verb inflection / Tense (morph.)
Levels / Morphology / Inflection / Verb inflection / Tense (morph.) / Present perfect
Levels / Syntax / Contrastive syntax
Levels / Syntax / Tense (synt.)
Indo-European languages / Balkan Indo-European languages / Ancient Greek
Indo-European languages / Balkan Indo-European languages / Armenian
Indo-European languages / Balkan Indo-European languages / Modern Greek
Indo-European languages / Germanic
Indo-European languages / Germanic / Gothic
Indo-European languages / Italic languages / Latin
Indo-European languages / Celtic languages
Indo-European languages / Slavic languages
Indo-European languages / Other Indo-European languages / Anatolian / Hittite
Indo-European languages / Other Indo-European languages / Indo-Arian languages
Non-Indo-European languages / Afro-Asiatic languages / Semitic languages / Aramaic
Redirected from
Comparative linguistics; Komparatistik; Indogermanistik; Indoeuropäische Sprachwissenschaft; Indoeuropean linguistics; Proto-Indo-European; Historical comparative linguistics ; Periphrastic conjugation ; Tense (morph.) ; Passé composé; Passato prossimo; Present perfect ; Syntax, contrastive; Syntax, kontrastive; Contrastive syntax ; Tense (synt.) ; Griechisch; Mykenisch; Mycenaean; Ancient Greek ; Armenian ; Griechisch; Greek (modern) ; Modern Greek ; Germanic ; Gothic ; Lateinisch; Latin ; Celtic languages ; Slavic languages ; Hittite ; Dardische Sprachen; Dardic languages; Indo-Arian languages ; Aramaic
Mathys, Audrey. Robert Crellin (éd.): Perfects in Indo-European languages and beyond. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2020, 2022