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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, Katarzyna
Title On the structure, survival and change of consonant clusters
Written in English
Source Journal Folia linguistica historica. - Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter
Volume 40
Year 2019
Issue 1
Page 107-127
Domains / Computational linguistics / Linguistic data processing / Corpus linguistics / Individual corpora / Language corpus (English) / COCA
Domains / Language acquisition / Phonological development
Domains / History of language / Phonological change / Consonant change
Domains / Second language acquisition / Second language acquisition (phon.)
Levels / Morphology / Complexity (morph.)
Levels / Phonetics / Speech intelligibility (phonet.)
Levels / Phonology / Complexity (phonem.)
Levels / Phonology / Consonant / Consonant types
Levels / Phonology / Consonant / Consonant types / Dental
Levels / Phonology / Morphophonology
Levels / Phonology / Phoneme combination
Levels / Phonology / Phonological system / Consonant system
Levels / Phonology / Phonological constraint
Levels / Phonology / Phonotactics
Levels / Phonology / Sonority
Levels / Phonology / Theory (phonem.) / Articulatory phonology
Levels / Phonology / Theory (phonem.) / Beats and binding phonology
Indo-European languages / Germanic / German
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English / Old English
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English / American English
Indo-European languages / Slavic languages / Polish
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COCA ; Phonemik (Spracherwerb) ; Phonetics (language acquisition) ; Kindersprache (phonet./phonem.) ; Child language (phonet./phonem.) ; Spracherwerb (phonet./phonem.) ; Language acquisition (phonet./phonem.) ; Phonological development ; Consonant change ; Lautperzeption (Zweitspracherwerb) ; Lautentwicklung (Zweitspracherwerb) ; Phonetik (Zweitspracherwerb) ; Phonemik (Zweitspracherwerb) ; Phonologie (Zweitspracherwerb) ; Sound perception (second language acquisition) ; Phonetics (second language acquisition) ; Phonology (second language acquisition) ; Artikulation (Zweitspracherwerb) ; Articulation (second language acquisition) ; Second language acquisition (phon.) ; Complexity (morph.) ; Net Auditory Distance; Speech intelligibility (phonet.) ; Silbenlänge; Syllable length; Complexity (phonem.) ; Consonant types ; Interdental ; Morphophonemik; Morphophonemics; Morphonology; Interface, phonology-morphology; Morphophonology ; Cluster (phonem.) ; Konsonantenkombination; Phoneme combination ; Consonant system ; Obligatory Contour Principle; Phonotactics ; Schallfülle; Sonority ; Phonology, articulatory; Gestural phonology; Articulatory phonology ; German ; Anglo-Saxon; Old English ; English (American) ; USA (English language in the) ; USA (engl. Sprache in den) ; English in the USA; Englisch in den USA; American English ; Polish