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Bibliographic description
Title Grammaticalia
hommage à Bernard Colombat
Involved pers. Fournier, Jean-Marie; Lahaussois, Aimée; Raby, Valérie
Place : Publ. Lyon: ENS Éditions
Year 2019
Written in French
Extent 318 pages
ISBN 979-10-362-0085-4
Series Langages
Selections from contents
General topics / History of linguistics / Theory of language (earlier periods) / Enlightenment (theory of language)
Domains / Grammaticography / Grammars
Domains / Philosophy of language
Indo-European languages / Romance / French
Indo-European languages / Romance / French / Classical French
Indo-European languages / Romance / Italian / 15th-18th century Italian
Redirected from
Enlightenment (theory of language) ; Grammars ; Philosophy of language ; French ; French (classical) ; Classical French ; Italian (15th-18th centuries) ; 15th-18th century Italian