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Bibliographic description
Title Managing children with developmental language disorder
theory and practice across Europe and beyond
Involved pers. Law, James; McKean, Cristina; Murphy, Carol-Anne; Elin Thordardottir
Place : Publ. London ; New York: Routledge
Year 2019
Written in English
Extent xvii, 532 Seiten
Notes Literaturangaben
ISBN 978-1-138-31724-6; 978-1-138-31715-4
Selections from contents
Domains / Methodology / Research techniques
Domains / Language acquisition / Handicapped language acquisition / Language delay
Domains / Speech pathology / Speech therapy / Speech therapy for children
Redirected from
Techniques (in research) ; Research techniques ; Sprachentwicklungsverzögerung; Language delay ; Language intervention; Children (speech therapy with) ; Speech therapy for children