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Author Search all publications by the author Walker, Heike
Title The syntax and semantics of relative clause attachment
Corporation Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Place : Publ. [Frankfurt am Main]:
Year 2017
Written in English
Extent 1 Online-Ressource (v, 259 Seiten)
URN urn:nbn:de:hebis:30:3-427577
Academic paper Dissertation, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität zu Frankfurt am Main, 2013
Domains / Grammaticography / Models of grammar / Generative grammar / Core grammar
Domains / Grammaticography / Models of grammar / Head-driven phrase structure grammar
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Case study (psycholing.)
Levels / Semantics / Word semantics / Lexical semantics
Levels / Syntax / Sentence types / Subordinate clause / Relative clause
Levels / Syntax / Sentence patterns / Deep/Surface structure / Movement (synt.) / Movement, head movement
Levels / Syntax / Sentence patterns / Deep/Surface structure / Movement (synt.) / Movement, NP-movement
Levels / Syntax / Sentence patterns / Deep/Surface structure / Movement (synt.) / Movement, predicate movement
Levels / Syntax / Sentence patterns / Valency / Selectional restriction
Levels / Syntax / Sentence patterns / Word order / Extraposition
Levels / Syntax / Syntactic constraint
Levels / Syntax / Theory (synt.) / Locality (synt.)
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English
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HPSG ; Case study (psycholing.) ; Semantics, lexical; Lexical semantics ; Relative clause ; Head movement ; NP-movement; DP-movement; Object shift; A-movement/Ā-movement ; Predicate movement ; Argumentvererbung; Argument inheritance; Selectional restriction ; Dislocation; Ausrahmung (synt.) ; Stylistic fronting; Fronting, stylistic; Ausklammerung (synt.) ; Afterthought (synt.) ; Restriction (synt.) ; Relativized minimality; Minimality, relativized; Anti-locality; Adjazenz (synt.) ; Adjacency (synt.) ; Locality (synt.) ; English