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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Kleiner, Stefan
Title Die Kodifikation der deutschen Standardaussprache im Spiegel der faktischen Variabilität des Gebrauchsstandards
Written in German
Source Anthology Sprachverfall?. - Berlin : De Gruyter
Year 2014
Page 273-298
General topics / History of linguistics / History of linguistics (19th century)
Domains / Computational linguistics / Linguistic data processing / Corpus linguistics / Individual corpora / Language corpus (German) / Korpus Deutsch heute
Domains / Linguistic geography / Sound geography
Domains / Language variation/Dialectology / Language norm / Orthoepy
Domains / Language variation/Dialectology / Standard language
Levels / Lexicology / Individual words / Lemmata
Levels / Lexicology / Loan word / Pronunciation of foreign words
Levels / Morphology / Morpheme boundary
Levels / Phonology / Phoneme combination / Diphthong
Levels / Phonology / Syllable / Syllable boundary / Hiatus
Levels / Phonology / Allophone
Levels / Phonology / Vowel / Vowel length
Indo-European languages / Germanic / German
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History of linguistics (19th century) ; Sprachgeographie (phon.) ; Linguistic geography (phon.) ; Sound geography ; Pronunciation (standardization of) ; Standardaussprache; Orthoepy ; Hochsprache; Schriftsprache; Acrolect; Standard language ; Lemmata ; Foreign words (pronunciation of) ; Aussprache (von Fremdwörtern) ; Pronunciation of foreign words ; Morpheme boundary ; Allophone ; Vowel length ; German
Subject terms
evangelisch (dt. Lemma) | -ig (dt. Suffix) | -on (dt. Suffix)