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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Höskuldur Þráinsson
Title Full NP object shift: the Old Norse puzzle and the Faroese puzzle revisited
Written in English
Source Journal Nordic journal of linguistics. - Cambridge : Univ. Press
Volume 36
Year 2013
Issue 2
Page 153-186
Domains / Computational linguistics / Linguistic data processing / Corpus linguistics / Individual corpora / Language corpus (other languages) / IcePaHC
Domains / Grammaticography / Theory of grammar / Competition (theory of grammar)
Domains / Grammaticography / Theory of grammar / Optionality (theory of grammar)
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Acceptability
Domains / History of language / Syntactic change
Domains / Theory of language / Center/periphery (theory of language)
Levels / Morphology / Inflection / Declension / Case (morph.)
Levels / Phonology / Suprasegmentalia / Intonation / Sentence intonation
Levels / Syntax / Contrastive syntax
Levels / Syntax / Sentence patterns / Negation (synt.)
Levels / Syntax / Sentence patterns / Deep/Surface structure / Movement (synt.) / Movement, NP-movement
Levels / Syntax / Sentence patterns / Word order
Levels / Syntax / Theory (synt.) / Licensing (synt.)
Indo-European languages / Germanic / Scandinavian languages / Old Norse
Indo-European languages / Germanic / Scandinavian languages / Faroese
Indo-European languages / Germanic / Scandinavian languages / Icelandic
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Icelandic Treebank; IcePaHC ; Preemption (theory of grammar) ; Konkurrenz (Grammatiktheorie) ; Conflicting rules; Konfligierende Regeln ; Optionality (theory of grammar) ; Acceptability ; Sprachwandel (synt.) ; Syntactic change ; Core/periphery (theory of language) ; Periphery (theory of language) ; Center/periphery (theory of language) ; Case (morph.) ; Intonation (sentence) ; Satzakzent; Sentence intonation ; Syntax, contrastive; Syntax, kontrastive; Contrastive syntax ; NP-movement; DP-movement; Object shift; A-movement/Ā-movement ; Wortstellung; Satzfolge; Serialisierung; Serialization; Word order ; Licensing (synt.) ; Altdänisch; Altschwedisch; Gammelnorsk; Common Scandinavian; Old Danish; Old Swedish; Old Norse ; Faroese ; Icelandic
Named Persons
Holmberg, Anders
Platzack, Christer
Erteschik-Shir, Nomi