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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Reig Alamillo, Asela
Title Propositional null objects in Spanish and the completeness of the proposition
Written in English
Source Journal Linguistics. - Berlin [u.a.] : Mouton de Gruyter
Volume 53
Year 2015
Issue 5
Page 959-994
General topics / Countries/regions / America / Central America / Mexico
Domains / Computational linguistics / Linguistic data processing / Corpus linguistics / Individual corpora / Language corpus (Spanish) / CORLEC
Domains / Grammaticography / Theory of grammar / Continuum (theory of grammar)
Domains / Pragmalinguistics / Individual aspects (pragm.) / Anaphora (pragm.)
Levels / Lexicology / Individual words / Lemmata
Levels / Lexicology / Word classes / Pronoun / Indefinite pronoun
Levels / Lexicology / Word classes / Verb / Verba dicendi
Levels / Syntax / Sentence types / Imperative sentence
Levels / Syntax / Sentence types / Interrogative sentence / Indirect question
Levels / Syntax / Sentence types / Subordinate clause / Complement clause
Levels / Syntax / Sentence patterns / Valency / Objectless clause
Levels / Syntax / Sentence parts / Pronoun syntax / Anaphora (synt.)
Levels / Syntax / Sentence parts / Pronoun syntax / Clitics
Indo-European languages / Romance / Spanish / Dialects of Spain / Castilian
Indo-European languages / Romance / Spanish / Spanish in Latin America
Redirected from
Mexiko ; CORLEC ; Gradience (theory of grammar) ; Continuum (theory of grammar) ; Lemmata ; Indefinite pronoun ; Reporting verbs; Quotatives ; Imperativ (synt.) ; Imperative sentence ; Question, indirect; Fragesatz, indirekter; Indirect question ; Satzkomplement; Objektsatz; Konstituentensatz; Constituent clause; Complement clause ; Null object; Objectless clause ; Clitics ; Madrileño; Castilian ; Latin America (Spanish language in) ; Lateinamerika (span. Sprache in) ; Spanish in Latin America
Subject terms
lo (span. Lemma) | contar (span. Lemma) | algo (span. Lemma) | nada (span. Lemma) | Textkorpus (span.) Habla Culta de México (Mex Cult) | Textkorpus (span.) Habla Popular de México (Mex Pop) | Textkorpus (span.) Habla Culta de Madrid (Mad Cult)