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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Alexiadou, Artemis
Title The problem with internally caused change-of-state verbs
Written in English
Source Journal Linguistics. - Berlin [u.a.] : Mouton de Gruyter
Volume 52
Year 2014
Issue 4
Page 879-909
Domains / Grammaticography / Theory of grammar / Continuum (theory of grammar)
Levels / Lexicology / Word classes / Verb / Causative verbs
Levels / Morphology / Inflection / Verb inflection / Aspect (morph.) / Resultative
Levels / Syntax / Voice (of verbs)
Levels / Syntax / Sentence patterns / Valency / Thematic role
Levels / Syntax / Sentence patterns / Valency / Transitivity
Levels / Syntax / Sentence patterns / Valency / Valency alternation
Levels / Syntax / Sentence patterns / Valency / Verb valency
Indo-European languages / Balkan Indo-European languages / Modern Greek
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English
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Gradience (theory of grammar) ; Continuum (theory of grammar) ; Kausativa; Antikausativa; Anticausative verbs; Causative verbs ; Egressiv; Change-of-state verbs; Verba resultiva; Conative; Konativ; Resultative ; Diathese; Voice (of verbs) ; Argument structure; Argumentstruktur; Experiencer; Benefactive; Thematic role ; Transitivity ; Alternation (valency) ; Complementizer alternation; Subcategorization alternation; Valency alternation ; Verb valency ; Griechisch; Greek (modern) ; Modern Greek ; English