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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Lundell, Fanny Forsberg; Lindqvist, Christina
Title Lexical aspects of very advanced L2 French
Written in English
Source Journal Canadian modern language review. - Toronto : Ontario Modern Language Teachers Association
Volume 70
Year 2014
Issue 1
Page 28-49
Domains / Applied linguistics / Language testing / C-Test
Domains / Applied linguistics / Language testing / Word level test
Domains / Applied linguistics / Language teaching / Vocabulary teaching
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Language production/language perception (disparity in)
Domains / Language acquisition / Theory (language acquisition) / Interlanguage (language acquisition)
Levels / Lexicology / Fixed expression / Collocation
Indo-European languages / Germanic / Scandinavian languages / Swedish
Indo-European languages / Romance / French
Redirected from
Word level test ; Wortschatz (Sprachunterricht) ; Lernwortschatz; Vocabulary teaching ; Sprachperzeption/Sprachproduktion (Asymmetrie von) ; Language perception/language production (disparity in) ; Active vocabulary/passive vocabulary; Passive vocabulary; Disparity; Language production/language perception (disparity in) ; Interimsgrammatik (Spracherwerb) ; Lernervarietät (Spracherwerb) ; Learner variety (language acquisition) ; Interlanguage (language acquisition) ; Colligation; Collocation ; Swedish ; French