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Author Search all publications by the author Mayberry, Emily J.; Sage, Karen; Ehsan, Sheeba; Lambon Ralph, Matthew A.
Title An emergent effect of phonemic cueing following relearning in semantic dementia
Written in English
Source Journal Aphasiology. - London [u.a.] : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Volume 25
Year 2011
Issue 9
Page 1069-1077
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Lexicon (psycholing.) / Semantic representation
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Verbal memory / Word memory
Domains / Speech pathology / Aphasia
Domains / Speech pathology / Illness (language behavior) / Dementia
Domains / Speech pathology / Verbal memory (pathol.)
Domains / Speech pathology / Speech therapy / Assessment criterion (speech therapy)
Domains / Speech pathology / Word recognition (pathol.) / Anomia
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Representation (semant.) ; Semantic representation ; Word memory ; Dysphasia; Aphasia ; Dementia ; Verbal memory (pathol.) ; Screening (speech therapy) ; Assessment criterion (speech therapy) ; Anomie; Dysnomia; Wordfinding difficulty; Anomia