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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Beal, Joan C.
Title "By Those Provincials Mispronounced": the 'strut' vowel in eighteenth-century pronouncing dictionaries
Written in English
Source Journal Language & history. - Leeds : Maney
Volume 55
Year 2012
Issue 1
Page 5-17
General topics / History of linguistics / Theory of language (earlier periods) / Enlightenment (theory of language)
Domains / Language variation/Dialectology / Language norm / Orthoepy
Levels / Lexicography / Phonological information (in dictionaries)
Levels / Lexicography / Dictionaries / Historical dictionary
Levels / Phonetics / Articulatory phonetics / Articulators / Tongue position
Levels / Phonology / Phoneme alternation / Neutralization (phonem.)
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English / British English / Midlands English
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English / British English / Northern English dialects
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English / British English / Southern English dialects
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Enlightenment (theory of language) ; Pronunciation (standardization of) ; Standardaussprache; Orthoepy ; Phonological information (in dictionaries) ; Historical dictionary ; Linguamotorik; Lingual articulation; Advanced tongue root; ATR (phonem. feat.) ; Vokalhöhe; Vowel height; Tongue position ; Merger (phonem.) ; Jeísmo; Seseo; Neutralization (phonem.) ; Black Country English; Brummie ; Liverpool English; Merseyside English; Scouse; Lancastrian; Mancunian; Yorkshire English; Broad Yorkshire; Tyke; Northern English dialects ; Home Countie English; Cambridgeshire English; East Anglia English; Fenlands English; Norfolk dialect; Southern English dialects