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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Shintani, Natsuko; Ellis, Rod
Title The incidental acquisition of English plural "-s" by Japanese children in comprehension-based and production-based lessons
a process-product study
Written in English
Source Journal Studies in second language acquisition. - New York, NY [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press
Volume 32
Year 2010
Issue 4
Page 607-637
Domains / Applied linguistics / Language teaching / Evaluation criterion (language teaching)
Domains / Applied linguistics / Language teaching / Grammar (teaching of)
Domains / Applied linguistics / Language teaching / Language teaching research
Domains / Second language acquisition / Zweitspracherwerb bei Kindern
Levels / Lexicology / Individual words / Lemmata
Levels / Morphology / Inflection / Declension / Number
Levels / Morphology / Word formation / Derivation / Suffix
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English
Non-Indo-European languages / Japanese
Redirected from
Evaluation criterion (language teaching) ; Lehrgrammatik; Unterrichtsgrammatik; Pädagogische Grammatik; Didaktische Grammatik; Schulgrammatik; Pedagogic grammar; Grammar (teaching of) ; Glottodidaktik; Lehrforschung; Pädagogische Linguistik; Pedagogical linguistics; Language teaching research ; Second language acquisition in children; Kindlicher Zweitspracherwerb; Child second language acquisition ; Lemmata ; Number ; Desinence (morph.) ; Suffixoid ; English ; Japanese
Subject terms
-s (engl. Suffix)