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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Byrd, Dani;
Title Discovering speech, words, and mind
Involved pers. Mintz, Toben H.
Place : Publ. Malden, Mass. [u.a.]: Wiley-Blackwell
Year 2010
Written in English
Extent VIII, 308 S.
Notes Literaturangaben
ISBN 978-1-4051-5799-5; 978-1-4051-5798-8; 1-4051-5799-2; 1-4051-5798-4
Selections from contents
Selections from contents
General topics / Introductions (to linguistics)
Domains / Sign language / Speech production/speech perception (sign language)
Domains / Written/spoken language / Written language acquisition (psycholing.) / Dyslexia
Domains / Neurolinguistics / Speech production/speech perception (neuroling.)
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Lexicon (psycholing.) / Phonological representation
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Speech perception (psycholing.) / Hearing (psycholing.)
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Speech perception (psycholing.) / Reading (psycholing.)
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Language comprehension
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Word recognition
Domains / Speech pathology / Hearing disorders
Levels / Phonetics / Theory (phonet.)
Levels / Phonology / Theory (phonem.)
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English / American English
Redirected from
Lehrbuch; Arbeitsbuch; Course book; Textbook; Workbook; Übungsbuch; Introductions (to linguistics) ; Gebärdensprache (psycholing.) ; Sign language (psycholing.) ; Gebärdensprache (neuroling.) ; Sign language (neuroling.) ; Speech production/speech perception (sign language) ; Developmental dyslexia; Reading disability; Leseschwäche; Rechtschreibschwäche; Lese-Rechtschreibschwäche; LRS; Legasthenie; Dyslexia ; Sprachperzeption (neuroling.) ; Speech perception (neuroling.) ; Language processing (neuroling.) ; Sprachverständnis (neuroling.) ; Speech production/speech perception (neuroling.) ; Representation (phon.) ; Phonological representation ; Hearing (psycholing.) ; Visuelle Wahrnehmung (von geschriebener Sprache) ; Visual perception (of written language) ; Reading (psycholing.) ; Sentence processing; Language processing; Language comprehension ; Lexikalischer Zugriff; Lexical decision; Lexical access; Word recognition ; Hearing disorders ; Phonetik (Theorie) ; Phonetic theory; Theory (phonet.) ; Phonemik (Theorie) ; Phonologie (Theorie) ; Phonological theory; Theory (phonem.) ; English (American) ; USA (English language in the) ; USA (engl. Sprache in den) ; English in the USA; Englisch in den USA; American English
Werker, Janet F.. Discovering speech, words, and mind. By Dani Byrd and Toben H. Mintz. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. Pp. 320 [Rezension], 2012