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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Reilly, Judy S.
Title Développement du langage chez les enfants présentant de lésions cérébrales précoces
Written in French
Source Anthology Apprentissage des langues. - Paris : CNRS Ed.
Year 2009
Page 477-491
Domains / Language acquisition / Handicapped language acquisition
Domains / Language acquisition / Language comprehension in children
Domains / Speech pathology / Brain damage (effect on language behavior)
Levels / Syntax / Sentence patterns / Complexity (synt.)
Levels / Syntax / Sentence parts / Pronoun syntax / Referential identity
Indo-European languages / Romance / French
Redirected from
Kindersprache (pathol.) ; Child language (pathol.) ; Specific language impairment; SLI; Dysgrammatismus (Kindersprache) ; Dysgrammatism (child language) ; Handicapped language acquisition ; Kindersprache (Sprachverständnis) ; Children's comprehension of language; Language comprehension in children ; Stroke; Schlaganfall; Traumatic brain injury; Brain damage (effect on language behavior) ; Complexity (synt.) ; Koreferenz; Coreference; Switch-reference; Crossover-effects; Schaltreferenz; Referential identity ; French