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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Mieder, Wolfgang
Title "New proverbs run deep": prolegomena to a dictionary of modern Anglo-American proverbs
Written in English
Source Journal Proverbium. - Burlington, Vt. : Univ.
Volume 26
Year 2009
Page 237-274
General topics / Bibliographies
Domains / Phraseology / Proverb scholarship / Proverb
Domains / History of language / Idioms (language change)
Levels / Lexicography / Dictionaries / Proverb dictionary
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English / American English
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Bibliographies ; Saying; Proverb ; Sprachwandel (phraseol.) ; Language change (phraseol.) ; Phraseologization; De-idiomatization; Idioms (language change) ; Dictionary of sayings; Paremiography; Parömiographie; Proverb dictionary ; English (American) ; USA (English language in the) ; USA (engl. Sprache in den) ; English in the USA; Englisch in den USA; American English