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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Lipski, John M.
Title Wiltrud Mihatsch, Monika Sokol (eds.): Language contact and language in the Caribbean and beyond [Rezension]
Written in English
Source Journal Journal of Pidgin and Creole languages. - Amsterdam : Benjamins
Volume 24
Year 2009
Issue 1
Page 185-188
General topics / Reviews
Domains / History of language / Language change
Domains / Languages in contact / Creole
Indo-European languages / Romance / Spanish / Spanish Creole
Non-Indo-European languages / Niger-Congo languages
Redirected from
Reviews ; Language change ; Creole ; Ibero Creole; Spanish Creole ; Nigerkordofanische Sprachen; Congo-Kordofanian languages; Kongosaharanische Sprachen; Niger-Congo languages
Review of
Language contact and language change in the Caribbean and beyond. - Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2007
Named Persons
Mihatsch, Wiltrud
Sokol, Monika