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Bibliographic description
Title Les mots de l'espace: entre expression et appropriation
contribution à une coordination des points de vue autour des sciences du langage
Involved pers. Berchoud, Marie-Josèphe; Abdel Fattah, Françoise; Micallef, Patricia; Augustyn, Magdalena; Grossmann, Francis; Fauvelle, Élisabeth; Dautry, Régine; Rispail, Marielle; Rolland, Dominique; Guineret, Hervé; Souchon-Faure, Marc
Place : Publ. Paris: L'Harmattan
Year 2009
Written in French
Extent 189 S.
ISBN 978-2-296-07862-8
Series Langue et parole
Selections from contents
Domains / Applied linguistics / Language teaching / Foreign language teaching
Domains / Cognitive science / Mental representation / Space (notion of)
Domains / Sociolinguistics / Language and society / Language and identity
Levels / Semantics / Theory of metaphor / Spatial metaphor
Levels / Text linguistics / Text analysis / Critical discourse analysis
Indo-European languages / Romance / French
Redirected from
Second language acquisition (language teaching) ; Zweitspracherwerb (Unterricht) ; Foreign language teaching ; Representation (of space) ; Höhenbegriff; Height (notion of) ; Space (notion of) ; Identität und Sprache; Identity and language; Fremdheit und Sprache; Estrangement and language; Sprache und Integration; Integration und Sprache; Language and identity ; Metaphor (spatial) ; Spatial metaphor ; Dispositivanalyse; Dispositive analysis; Critical discourse analysis ; French