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Author Search all publications by the author Haspelmath, Martin; Siegmund, Sven
Title Simulating the replication of some of Greenberg's word order generalizations
Written in English
Notes 17 Literaturangaben
Source Journal Linguistic typology. - Berlin [u.a.] : Mouton de Gruyter
Volume 10
Year 2006
Issue 1
Page 74-82
Domains / Methodology / Philosophy of science / Explanation (philosophy of science) / Generalization (method.)
Domains / Language typology
Levels / Syntax / Sentence patterns / Word order
Redirected from
Abstraction (method.) ; Generalization (method.) ; Typologie; Typology; Language typology ; Wortstellung; Satzfolge; Serialisierung; Serialization; Word order
Named Persons
Greenberg, Joseph Harold