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Author Search all publications by the author Redmond, Sean M.
Title Differentiating SLI from ADHD using children's sentence recall and production of past tense morphology
Written in English
Notes 83 Literaturangaben
Source Journal Clinical linguistics & phonetics. - London : Informa Healthcare
Volume 19
Year 2005
Issue 2
Page 109-127
Domains / Language acquisition / Grammatical development
Domains / Language acquisition / Handicapped language acquisition
Domains / Language acquisition / Overgeneralization (language acquisition)
Domains / Speech pathology / Diagnosis
Domains / Speech pathology / Illness (language behavior) / Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Levels / Morphology / Inflection / Verb inflection / Tense (morph.)
Levels / Syntax / Deletion (synt.)
Redirected from
Syntactic development; Morphological development; Morphologie (Spracherwerb) ; Syntax (Spracherwerb) ; Grammatical development ; Kindersprache (pathol.) ; Child language (pathol.) ; Specific language impairment; SLI; Dysgrammatismus (Kindersprache) ; Dysgrammatism (child language) ; Handicapped language acquisition ; Overgeneralization (language acquisition) ; Aetiology; Anamnese; Diffentialdiagnose; Differential diagnosis; Symptom; Syndrome; Prognosis (pathol.) ; Biomarker; Diagnosis ; ADHD; Hyperactivity disorder; Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ; Tense (morph.) ; Verb deletion; Subject deletion; Sluicing; Gapping; Deletion (synt.)