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Author Search all publications by the author Scott, Christina; Harris, Richard Jackson; Rothe, Alicia R.
Title Embodied cognition through improvisation improves memory for a dramatic monologue
Written in English
Notes 20 Literaturangaben
Source Journal Discourse processes. - London [u.a.] : Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group
Volume 31
Year 2001
Issue 3
Page 293-305
Domains / Applied linguistics / Language testing / Cloze test
Domains / Pragmalinguistics / Conversational analysis (pragm.) / Monolog
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Speech perception (psycholing.)
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Speech perception (psycholing.) / Hearing (psycholing.)
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Speech perception (psycholing.) / Reading (psycholing.)
Domains / Style/Aesthetics / Literary language / Theater (language)
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Wahrnehmung und Sprache; Perception and language; Speech perception (psycholing.) ; Hearing (psycholing.) ; Visuelle Wahrnehmung (von geschriebener Sprache) ; Visual perception (of written language) ; Reading (psycholing.) ; Literatursprache (Theater) ; Literary language (theater) ; Drama (Sprache) ; Drama (language) ; Theater (language)