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Author Search all publications by the author Schmid, Peggy M.; Yeni-Komshian, Grace H.
Title The effects of speaker accent and target predictability on perception of mispronunciations
Written in English
Notes 18 Literaturangaben
Source Journal Journal of speech, language, and hearing research. - Rockville, Md. : American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Volume 42
Year 1999
Issue 1
Page 56-64
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Speech perception (psycholing.) / Hearing (psycholing.)
Domains / Second language acquisition / Second language acquisition (phon.) / Foreign accent
Domains / Second language acquisition / Second language acquisition (psycholing.) / Speech intelligibility (second language acquisition)
Levels / Phonetics / Auditory phonetics / Phoneme identification
Levels / Phonetics / Speech intelligibility (phonet.)
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English
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Hearing (psycholing.) ; Speech intelligibility (second language acquisition) ; Phoneme identification ; Net Auditory Distance; Speech intelligibility (phonet.) ; English