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Title Integration of cognition and emotion in development
Involved pers. Barnett, Douglas; Ratner, Hilary Horn; Plumert, Jodie M.; Schwebel, David C.; Cicchetti, Dante; Rogosch, Fred A.; Toth, Sheree L.; Spagnola, Mary; Averhart, Cara J.; Bigler, Rebecca S.; Farrar, M. Jeffrey; Fasig, Lauren G.; Welch-Ross, Melissa K.; Pellegrini, A.D.; Galda, Lee; Flor, Douglas; Bartini, Maria; Charak, David; Symons, Doug; McLaughlin, Elizabeth; Morine, Stephany; Moore, Chris
Written in English
Source Journal Journal of experimental child psychology. - Amsterdam : Elsevier
Volume 67
Year 1997
Issue 3
Page 303-447
Domains / Language acquisition / Affect (language acquisition)
Domains / Language acquisition / Language acquisition and cognitive development
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Affect (language acquisition) ; Spracherwerb und neurologische Entwicklung; Language acquisition and neurological development; Sprache und Denken (Ontogenese) ; Language and thought (ontogenesis) ; Cognitive development; Language acquisition and cognitive development