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Author Search all publications by the author Schneider, Wolfgang; Küspert, Petra; Roth, Ellen; Nisé, Mechtild; Marx, Harald
Title Short- and long-term effects of training phonological awareness in kindergarten
evidence from two German studies
Written in English
Notes 50 Literaturangaben
Source Journal Journal of experimental child psychology. - Amsterdam : Elsevier
Volume 66
Year 1997
Issue 3
Page 311-340
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Lexicon (psycholing.) / Phonological representation
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Speech perception (psycholing.) / Reading (psycholing.)
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Speech production (psycholing.) / Coding (psycholing.)
Domains / Language acquisition
Domains / Language acquisition / Linguistic awareness (in children)
Indo-European languages / Germanic / German
Redirected from
Representation (phon.) ; Phonological representation ; Visuelle Wahrnehmung (von geschriebener Sprache) ; Visual perception (of written language) ; Reading (psycholing.) ; Coding (psycholing.) ; Erstspracherwerb; First language acquisition; Ontogenese; Language acquisition ; Metalinguistic awareness (in children) ; Phonics (teaching of) ; Phonologische Bewusstheit (bei Kindern) ; Phonological awareness (in children) ; Focus on form (language teaching) ; Sprachbewusstsein (bei Kindern) ; Linguistic awareness (in children) ; German