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Author Search all publications by the author Pynes, Penelope J.
Title Development of the cognitive component of language attitudes
a case study from Sandhausen, Germany
Written in English
Notes 45 Literaturangaben
Source Anthology International Congress of Dialectologists <3, 1990, Bamberg>. Verhandlungen des Internationalen Dialektologenkongresses ; 4. Soziolinguistische Variation [u.a.]. - Stuttgart : Steiner
Year 1995
Page 388-410
Domains / Language acquisition / Linguistic awareness (in children)
Domains / Language acquisition / Language acquisition and cognitive development
Domains / Language variation/Dialectology / Dialectology
Domains / Language variation/Dialectology / Language attitude (language variation)
Indo-European languages / Germanic / German
Redirected from
Metalinguistic awareness (in children) ; Phonics (teaching of) ; Phonologische Bewusstheit (bei Kindern) ; Phonological awareness (in children) ; Focus on form (language teaching) ; Sprachbewusstsein (bei Kindern) ; Linguistic awareness (in children) ; Spracherwerb und neurologische Entwicklung; Language acquisition and neurological development; Sprache und Denken (Ontogenese) ; Language and thought (ontogenesis) ; Cognitive development; Language acquisition and cognitive development ; Mundartforschung; Dialectology ; Sprachattitüde; Linguizismus; Linguicism; Prestige; Sprachliche Unsicherheit; Linguistic insecurity ; German