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Author Search all publications by the author Tangel, Darlene M.; Blachman, Benita A.
Title Effect of phoneme awareness instruction on the invented spelling of first-grade children
a one-year follow-up
Written in English
Notes 39 Literaturangaben
Source Journal Journal of reading behavior. - Boone, N.C. : NRC
Volume 27
Year 1995
Issue 2
Page 153-185
Domains / Applied linguistics / Language teaching
Domains / Language acquisition / Linguistic awareness (in children)
Levels / Graphemics / Orthography / Grapheme-phoneme conversion rule
Redirected from
Language teaching ; Metalinguistic awareness (in children) ; Phonics (teaching of) ; Phonologische Bewusstheit (bei Kindern) ; Phonological awareness (in children) ; Focus on form (language teaching) ; Sprachbewusstsein (bei Kindern) ; Linguistic awareness (in children) ; Rule (graphem./phonem.) ; Regel (graphem./phonem.) ; Shallow orthography/Deep orthography; Deep orthography; GPK; Opacity (orthography) ; Transparency (orthography) ; Grapheme-phoneme conversion rule