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Author Search all publications by the author Della Corte, Maria; Benedict, Helen; Klein, Diane
Title The relationship of pragmatic dimensions of mothers' speech to the referential-expressive distinction
Written in English
Notes 16 Literaturangaben
Source Journal Journal of child language. - Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press
Volume 10
Year 1983
Issue 1
Page 35-43
Domains / Pragmalinguistics / Individual aspects (pragm.) / Expressive use of language
Domains / Language acquisition / Reference (language acquisition)
Domains / Language acquisition / Language spoken to children
Redirected from
Emotive communication; Expressive use of language ; Anaphora (Spracherwerb) ; Reference (language acquisition) ; Baby talk; Motherese; Child-directed speech; Ammensprache; Babysprache; Infant-directed speech; Fatherese; Language spoken to children