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Bibliographic description
Title La metafora nelle scienze cognitive
Involved pers. Montanini Manfredi, Marta; Morabito, Carmela; Gagliasso, Elena; Mecacci, Luciano; Francesconi, Marco; Tartabini, Angelo; Pagnoni, Giuseppe; Fogassi, Leonardo; Papotti, Marco; Rollo, Dolores; Stojanov, Georgi; Moderato, Paolo
Edition 1. ed.
Place : Publ. Milano [u.a.] : McGraw-Hill
Year 2002
Written in Italian
Extent XXIV, 210 S.
ISBN 88-386-2763-0
Series Psicologia
Domains / Technical language / Metaphor (technical language)
Domains / Cognitive science
Domains / Cognitive science / Metaphor (cognitive science)
Domains / Methodology / Philosophy of science / Language and epistemology
Domains / Neurolinguistics / Neurophysiology
Domains / Pragmalinguistics / Other communication situations / Psychotherapy / Language and psychoanalysis
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Sensorimotor experience
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Language comprehension / Metaphor (comprehension of)
Domains / Language acquisition / Language acquisition and cognitive development
Domains / Language acquisition / Language acquisition and psychological development
Levels / Semantics / Theory of metaphor
Redirected from
Metapher (Wissenschaftstheorie) ; Metaphor (epistemology) ; Metaphor (philosophy of science) ; Metaphor (technical language) ; Cognitive science ; Metaphor (cognitive science) ; Sprache und Denken; Erkenntnis und Sprache; Language and thought; Erkenntnistheorie; Epistemology and language; Language and epistemology ; Neuroanatomie; Neuroanatomy; Spiegelneuron; Mirror neuron; Neurophysiology ; Psychoanalyse; Language and psychoanalysis ; Sensorimotor experience ; Metaphoric comprehension; Metaphor (comprehension of) ; Spracherwerb und neurologische Entwicklung; Language acquisition and neurological development; Sprache und Denken (Ontogenese) ; Language and thought (ontogenesis) ; Cognitive development; Language acquisition and cognitive development ; Sozioemotionale Entwicklung; Socioemotional development; Language acquisition and psychological development ; Theory of metaphor