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Bibliographic description
Title Rethinking linguistics
Involved pers. Davis, Hayley G.; Taylor, Talbot J.; Harris, Roy; Love, Nigel; Joseph, John Earl; Shanker, Stuart
Place : Publ. London [u.a.]: RoutledgeCurzon
Year 2003
Written in English
Extent IX, 191 S.
ISBN 0-7007-1680-7
Series Communication and linguistic theory
General topics / History of linguistics / Theory of language (earlier periods) / Antiquity (theory of language)
Domains / Grammaticography / Theory of grammar
Domains / Methodology
Domains / Language acquisition / Theory (language acquisition)
Domains / Philosophy of language / Indian philosophy of language
Domains / Theory of language / Integrational linguistics
Domains / Theory of language / Competence/Performance / Linguistic creativity
Redirected from
Altertum (Sprachtheorie) ; Antiquity (theory of language) ; Grammatical theory; Theory of grammar ; Methodology ; Learnability (of language) ; Lernbarkeit (von Sprache) ; Spracherwerb (Theorie) ; Language acquisition (theory of) ; Poverty of the stimulus-argument; Theory (language acquisition) ; Indian philosophy of language ; Integrational linguistics ; Sprachkreativität; Creativity; Kreativität; Linguistic creativity
Named Persons
Chomsky, Noam
Firth, John Rupert
Orwell, George
Saussure, Ferdinand de