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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Fritz, Daniela Regina
Title Language socialization, communicative competence and identity
literary representations of the language learner in twentieth-century German literature
Year 2001
Written in English
Extent 248 S.
Academic paper Berkeley, Calif., Univ. of California, Diss., 2001
Domains / Pragmalinguistics / Individual aspects (pragm.) / Communicative competence
Domains / Sociolinguistics / Social psychology
Domains / Sociolinguistics / Language and society / Language and identity
Domains / Language acquisition
Domains / Style/Aesthetics
Domains / Style/Aesthetics / Literary language
Indo-European languages / Germanic / German
Redirected from
Pragmatische Kompetenz; Pragmatic competence; Communicative competence ; Soziokognition; Social cognition; Discursive psychology; Social psychology ; Identität und Sprache; Identity and language; Fremdheit und Sprache; Estrangement and language; Sprache und Integration; Integration und Sprache; Language and identity ; Erstspracherwerb; First language acquisition; Ontogenese; Language acquisition ; Ästhetik; Style/Aesthetics ; Literary language ; German