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Bibliographic description
Title Views into the Chinese room
new essays on Searle and artificial intelligence
Involved pers. Preston, John; Bishop, Mark; Searle, John R.; Block, Ned; Winograd, Terry; Simon, Herbert Alexander; Eisenstadt, Stuart A.; Copeland, Brian Jack; Hauser, Larry; Bringsjord, Selmer; Noel, Ronald W.; Proudfoot, Diane; Coulter, Jeff; Sharrock, Wes W.; Rey, Georges; Penrose, Roger; Aleksander, Igor; Taylor, John G.; Harnad, Stevan Robert; Warwick, Kevin; Wheeler, Michael; Haugeland, John; Adam, Alison
Place : Publ. Oxford: Clarendon Press
Year 2002
Written in English
Extent XVI, 410 Seiten
ISBN 0-19-925277-7; 0-19-825057-6
Selections from contents
General topics / Bibliographies
Domains / Computational linguistics / Artificial intelligence
Domains / Computational linguistics / Natural-language processing (artificial intelligence) / Natural-language comprehension (artificial intelligence)
Domains / Cognitive science
Domains / Cognitive science / Consciousness (cognitive science)
Domains / Methodology / Philosophy of science
Domains / Philosophy of language
Domains / Philosophy of language / Language comprehension (philosophy of language)
Redirected from
Bibliographies ; Artificial intelligence ; Textverstehenssystem; Computersimulation (Sprachverständnis) ; Textverständnis (Künstliche Intelligenz) ; Text comprehension (artificial intelligence) ; Natural-language comprehension (artificial intelligence) ; Cognitive science ; Consciousness (cognitive science) ; Erkenntnistheorie; Epistemology; Science (theory of) ; Philosophy of science ; Philosophy of language ; Language comprehension (philosophy of language)
Named Persons
Searle, John R.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig