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Bibliographic description
Title Theorie des Artikulators
ein Disput zu Ehren von Wolf Thümmel
Involved pers. Kanngießer, Siegfried; Langer, Hagen; Thümmel, Wolf; Haase, Martin; Maas, Utz; Rollinger, Claus-Rainer
Place : Publ. Osnabrück: Univ.-Verl. Rasch
Year 2002
Written in German
Extent 158 S.
ISBN 3-935326-69-6
General topics / History of linguistics / Theory of language (earlier periods) / Antiquity (theory of language) / Stoa
Domains / Grammaticography / Theory of grammar
Domains / Language typology
Redirected from
Grammatical theory; Theory of grammar ; Typologie; Typology; Language typology
Named Persons
Thümmel, Wolf
Perotti, Niccolò