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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Hardison, Debra M.
Title Acquisition of second-language speech
effects of visual cues, context and talker variability
Year 1998
Written in English
Extent X, 165 S.
Academic paper Bloomington, Ind., Indiana Univ., Diss., 1998
Domains / Second language acquisition / Second language acquisition (phon.)
Domains / Second language acquisition / Second language acquisition (psycholing.)
Levels / Phonetics / Articulatory phonetics
Redirected from
Lautperzeption (Zweitspracherwerb) ; Lautentwicklung (Zweitspracherwerb) ; Phonetik (Zweitspracherwerb) ; Phonemik (Zweitspracherwerb) ; Phonologie (Zweitspracherwerb) ; Sound perception (second language acquisition) ; Phonetics (second language acquisition) ; Phonology (second language acquisition) ; Artikulation (Zweitspracherwerb) ; Articulation (second language acquisition) ; Second language acquisition (phon.) ; Second language acquisition (psycholing.) ; Speech production (phonet.) ; Sprachproduktion (phonet.) ; Lautphysiologie; Articulatory phonetics