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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Devoto, Giacomo
Title Origini indeuropee
Giacomo Devoto
Place : Publ. Firenze: Sansoni
Written in Italian
Series Origines
Domains / Ethnolinguistics
Domains / Methodology / Historical sciences (method.)
Domains / Linguistic geography
Domains / History of language / Vocabulary change
Domains / Language typology / Historical comparative linguistics
Domains / Language typology / Historical comparative linguistics / Reconstruction (historical linguistics)
Levels / Lexicology / Lexical field
Levels / Lexicology / Vocabulary
Indo-European languages / Balkan Indo-European languages
Indo-European languages / Baltic languages
Indo-European languages / Germanic
Indo-European languages / Italic languages
Indo-European languages / Celtic languages
Indo-European languages / Slavic languages
Indo-European languages / Other Indo-European languages / Anatolian / Hittite
Indo-European languages / Other Indo-European languages / Indo-Arian languages
Indo-European languages / Other Indo-European languages / Tocharian
Redirected from
Anthropology (linguistics) ; Anthropologie (linguistische) ; Ethnolinguistics ; Historical sciences (method.) ; Areallinguistik; Geolinguistik; Geolinguistics; Linguistic geography ; Sprachwandel (lex.) ; Language change (lex.) ; Vocabulary change ; Comparative linguistics; Komparatistik; Indogermanistik; Indoeuropäische Sprachwissenschaft; Indoeuropean linguistics; Proto-Indo-European; Historical comparative linguistics ; Paläolinguistik; Paleolinguistics; Reconstruction (historical linguistics) ; Lexical field ; Lexikon; Lexicon; Vocabulary ; Balkan Indo-European languages ; Baltic languages ; Germanic ; Italic languages ; Celtic languages ; Slavic languages ; Hittite ; Dardische Sprachen; Dardic languages; Indo-Arian languages ; Tokharian; Tocharian
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