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Author Search all publications by the author Pylkko, Pauli Olavi
Title Logic, formal languages, and formal language identification
some logical properties of the languages in the Chomsky hierarchy, and an interrogative model of formal language identification
Year 1988
Written in English
Extent X, 160 S.
Academic paper Tallahassee, Florida State Univ., Diss., 1988
Domains / Computational linguistics / Parsing / Grammar types (computational linguistics)
Domains / Linguistic logic
Domains / Theory of language
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Formale Grammatiken; Chomsky-Hierarchie; Unrestricted rewriting system; Context-sensitive grammar; Context-free grammar; Finite state grammar; Polychrome tree grammar; Tectogrammatical tree structure; TGTS; Grammar types (computational linguistics) ; Logic of language; Linguistic logic ; Theory of language