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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Atenké Etoa, Sosthène Marie Xavier; Onguéné Essono, Louis Martin
Title Syntaxe de l'èwòndò contemporain
Place : Publ. Yaoundé, Cameroun: Presses universitaires d'Afrique
Year 2017
Written in French; ewo
Extent 299 pages
Notes In French and Ewondo
ISBN 9956-532-02-9; 978-9956-532-02-5
Selections from contents
General topics / Introductions (to linguistics)
Levels / Syntax
Non-Indo-European languages / Niger-Congo languages / Bantu languages / Ewondo
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Lehrbuch; Arbeitsbuch; Course book; Textbook; Workbook; Übungsbuch; Introductions (to linguistics) ; Yaounde