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Bibliographic description
Title Una horma para el cuento
del relato legendario e histórico al cuento moderno en la prensa española del siglo XIX
Involved pers. Martín, Rebeca; Parellada, Joaquím
Place : Publ. Madrid: Iberoamericana
Year 2016
Written in Spanish
Extent 173 Seiten
ISBN 978-84-8489-964-8; 978-3-95487-498-9
Selections from contents
Domains / Technical language / Media language / Newspaper language
Domains / History of language / Text type (language change)
Levels / Text linguistics / Text types / Short story
Levels / Text linguistics / Text types / Legend
Levels / Text linguistics / Text types / Novella
Indo-European languages / Romance / Spanish
Redirected from
Presse (Sprache) ; Zeitungssprache; Newspaper language ; Language change (text linguistics) ; Sprachwandel (Textlinguistik) ; Gattungsgeschichte; Genre (language change) ; Text type (language change) ; Sudden fiction; Flash fiction; Short-short; Kürzestgeschichte; Microtale; Short story ; Heiligenlegende; Hagiography; Legend ; Erzählung; Narrative (type of discourse) ; Novella ; Spanish
Ceballos Viro, Álvaro. Rebeca Martín (ed.): Una horma para el cuento. Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2016, 2017