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Bibliographic description
Title Manipal manual for cognitive linguistic abilities
Mili Mary Mathew
Involved pers. Mathew, Mili Mary
Place : Publ. Manipal: Manipal Univ. Press
Written in English
ISBN 978-938-2460-09-1
Domains / Applied linguistics / Language testing
Domains / Language acquisition / Language acquisition and cognitive development
Domains / Speech pathology
Domains / Speech pathology / Aphasia
Domains / Speech pathology / Diagnosis
Domains / Speech pathology / Brain damage (effect on language behavior)
Domains / Speech pathology / Illness (language behavior)
Domains / Speech pathology / Illness (language behavior) / Amnesia
Domains / Speech pathology / Illness (language behavior) / Anosognosia
Domains / Speech pathology / Illness (language behavior) / Dementia
Domains / Speech pathology / Illness (language behavior) / Neglect (neur.)
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English / English in India
Redirected from
Language testing ; Spracherwerb und neurologische Entwicklung; Language acquisition and neurological development; Sprache und Denken (Ontogenese) ; Language and thought (ontogenesis) ; Cognitive development; Language acquisition and cognitive development ; Sprachfehler; Language attrition (pathol.) ; Language loss (pathol.) ; Sprachverlust (pathol.) ; Speech pathology ; Dysphasia; Aphasia ; Aetiology; Anamnese; Diffentialdiagnose; Differential diagnosis; Symptom; Syndrome; Prognosis (pathol.) ; Biomarker; Diagnosis ; Stroke; Schlaganfall; Traumatic brain injury; Brain damage (effect on language behavior) ; Illness (language behavior) ; Amnesia ; Dementia ; Hemianopia ; India (English language in) ; Indien (engl. Sprache in) ; English in India
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