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Author Search all publications by the author Hippel, William von; Trivers, Robert;
Title The evolution and psychology of self-deception [including open peer commentary and authors' response]
Involved pers. Bandura, Albert; Brooks, Matthew L.; Swann, William B.; Buss, David M.; Dunning, David; Egan, Louisa; Frankish, Keith; Frey, Ulrich; Voland, Eckart; Fridland, Ellen; Funder, David C.; Gangestad, Steven W.; Gorelik, Gregory; Shackelford, Todd K.; Hamad, Stevan; Heine, Steven J.; Huang, Julie Y.; Bargh, John A.; Humphrey, Nicholas; Johansson, Petter; Hall, Lars; Gärdenfors, Peter; Kenrick, Douglas T.; White, Andrew E.; Khalil, Elias L.; Kramer, Peter; Bressan, Paola; Kurzban, Robert; Lu, Hui Jing; Chang, Lei; McKay, Ryan; Mijović-Prelec, Danica; Prelec, Dražen; Mercier, Hugo; Pinker, Steven; Preti, Antonio; Miotto, Paola; Smith, David Livingstone; Suddendorf, Thomas; Troisi, Alfonso; Vrij, Aldert
Written in English
Source Journal Behavioral and brain sciences. - New York, NY [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press
Volume 34
Year 2011
Issue 1
Page 1-56
Domains / Cognitive science / Consciousness (cognitive science)
Domains / Cognitive science / Cognitive psychology
Domains / Cognitive science / Mental representation / Self concept
Domains / Methodology / Philosophy of science / Theory of evolution
Domains / Pragmalinguistics / Speech-act theory / Speech-act type / Lie
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Memory (nonverbal) / Forgetting (cognitive science)
Domains / Sociolinguistics / Social psychology
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Consciousness (cognitive science) ; Cognitive psychology ; Self-knowledge; Selbsterkenntnis; Self concept ; Evolution (theory of) ; Theory of evolution ; Ostensible speech-act; Täuschung (Sprechakt) ; Pretense (speech-act) ; Deception; Betrug; Honesty; Truth telling; Wahrheit (Sprechakttheorie) ; Ehrlichkeit; Sincerity; Aufrichtigkeit; Verheimlichung; Verschweigen; Concealment; Nondisclosure; Double speak; Doppelzüngigkeit; Lie ; False memory; Memory (false) ; Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm; DRM paradigm; Kognitive Verzerrung; Erinnerungsverfälschung; Cognitive bias; Memory implantation; Forgetting (cognitive science) ; Soziokognition; Social cognition; Discursive psychology; Social psychology
Named Persons
Hippel, William von
Trivers, Robert