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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Darnell, Regna
Title Personality and culture
the fate of the Sapirian alternative
Written in English
Notes Orig. publ. in: George W. Stocking, Jr. (ed.) Malinowski, Rivers, Benedict and Others: Essays on Culture and Personality, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1986, pp. 156-83
Source Anthology Edward Sapir ; 3. - London [u.a.] : Routledge
Year 2007
Page 51-77
Domains / Ethnolinguistics
Domains / Cognitive science / Linguistic relativity
Domains / Semiotics / Cultural semiotics
Domains / Sociolinguistics / Language and society
Redirected from
Anthropology (linguistics) ; Anthropologie (linguistische) ; Ethnolinguistics ; Sprache und Denken; Language and thought; Sprachliches Relativitätsprinzip; Denken und Sprache; Relativity (linguistic) ; Wahrnehmung und Sprache; Perception and language; Sapir-Whorf hypothesis; Linguistic relativity ; Cultural semiotics ; Language and society
Named Persons
Sapir, Edward