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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Dennett, D. C.; Kinsbourne, Marcel;
Title Time and the observer: the where and when of consciousness in the brain
[including open peer commentary and authors' response]
Involved pers. Antony, Michael V.; Aronson, J.; Dietrich, Eric; Way, E.; Baars, Bernard J.; Fehling, Michael; Block, Ned; Bridgeman, Bruce; Clark, Andy; Damasio, Antonio R.; Farah, Martha J.; Glymour, Bruce; Grush, Rick; Hardcastle, Valerie Gray; Keeley, Brian L.; Ramsey, Joe; Shagrir, Oron; Watson, Ellen; Gregson, Robert Anthony Mills; Hurley, Susan L.; Jeannerod, Marc; Libet, Benjamin; Lloyd, Dan; Lycan, William G.; McDermott, Drew V.; Reingold, Eyal M.; Rollins, Mark; Rosenthal, David M.; Roskies, Adina L.; Wood, C. C.; Shepard, Roger N.; Teghtsoonian, Robert; Treisman, Michel; Van Gulick, Robert; Velmans, Max; Warren, Richard M.; Wasserman, Gerald S.; Young, Andrew W.
Written in English
Notes Orig. publ. in: Behavioral and Brain Sciences (1992) 15, 183 - 247
Source Anthology Cognitive science ; 1. - Aldershot : Elgar
Year 1995
Page 210-274
General topics / Reprints
Domains / Cognitive science
Domains / Cognitive science / Consciousness (cognitive science)
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Reprints ; Cognitive science ; Consciousness (cognitive science)