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Author Search all publications by the author Fodor, Jerry A.;
Title Précis of "The Modularity of Mind"
[including open peer commentary and author's response]
Involved pers. Caplan, David; Carroll, John Bissell; Fodor, Janet Dean; Forster, K. I.; Gallistel, Charles R.; Cheng, Ken; Gardner, Howard; Glucksberg, Sam; Glymour, Clark N.; Gross, C. G.; Grossberg, Stephen; Hunt, Earl B.; Jusczyk, Peter W.; Cohen, Asher; Kagan, Jerome; Killeen, Peter R.; Kinsbourne, Marcel; Marshall, John C.; Mattingly, Ignatius G.; Liberman, Alvin M.; Morton, John; Rey, Georges; Robinson, Daniel N.; Scarr, Sandra; Schank, Roger; Hunter, Larry; Schwartz, Barry; Seidenberg, Mark S.; Sternberg, Robert J.
Written in English
Notes Orig. publ. in: The Behavioral and Brain Sciences (1985) 8, 1 - 42
Source Anthology Cognitive science ; 1. - Aldershot : Elgar
Year 1995
Page 104-145
General topics / Reprints
Domains / Cognitive science
Domains / Cognitive science / Computational theory of mind
Domains / Cognitive science / Module (cognitive science)
Domains / Psycholinguistics
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Neuropsychology
Domains / Psycholinguistics / Language and perception
Domains / Philosophy of language / Rationalism
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Reprints ; Cognitive science ; Computational view of mind; Information processing paradigm; Denken als Informationsverarbeitung; Computational theory of mind ; Module (method.) ; Domain-specificity (cognitive science) ; Aufgabenspezifität (Kognitionsforschung) ; Module (cognitive science) ; Sprachpsychologie; Psycholinguistics ; Kognitive Neurowissenschaft; Cognitive neuroscience; Neuropsychology ; Wahrnehmung und Sprache; Perception and language; Wahrnehmung (Erkenntnistheorie) ; Perception (epistemology) ; Language and perception ; Rationalism