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Author Search all publications by the author Trudeau, Natacha; Chaput, Ève; Sutton, Ann; Chan, Elsa; Contardo, Resi
Title Intelligibilité et appréciation des synthèses vocales en français
Written in French
Source Journal Journal of speech-language pathology and audiology. - Hamilton, Ont. : Association
Volume 30
Year 2006
Issue 3
Page 158-168
Domains / Computational linguistics / Parsing / Computational phonetics / Automatic speech synthesis (phonet.)
Domains / Speech pathology / Speech therapy / Communication augmentation
Levels / Phonetics / Speech intelligibility (phonet.)
Indo-European languages / Romance / French
Redirected from
Speech synthesis (phonet.) ; Automatische Sprachsynthese (phonet.) ; Sprachsynthese (phonet.) ; Automatic speech synthesis (phonet.) ; Kommunikationshilfen; Augmentative and alternative communication; AAC; Communication augmentation ; Net Auditory Distance; Speech intelligibility (phonet.) ; French