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Bibliographic description
Volume Comparative grammar: critical concepts in linguistics ; 6
Title Further issues
ed. by Ian Roberts
Involved pers. Roberts, Ian G.
Place : Publ. London [u.a.]: Routledge
Year 2007
Written in English
Extent VIII, 374 S.
ISBN 0-415-34204-X978-0-415-34204-9
Part of Multivolume work Comparative grammar : critical concepts in linguistics / ed. by Ian Roberts
General topics / Reprints
General topics / History of linguistics / History of linguistics (20th century)
Domains / Grammaticography / Models of grammar / Generative grammar / Parametrization
Domains / Language acquisition / Grammatical development
Domains / Language acquisition / Parametrization (language acquisition)
Domains / Language acquisition / Theory (language acquisition)
Domains / History of language / Syntactic change
Domains / Language typology
Levels / Syntax / Theory (synt.)
Redirected from
Reprints ; History of linguistics (20th century) ; Ambiguity (theory of grammar) ; Ambiguität (Grammatiktheorie) ; Principles and parameters theory; Prinzipien- und Parametermodell; Parametrization ; Syntactic development; Morphological development; Morphologie (Spracherwerb) ; Syntax (Spracherwerb) ; Grammatical development ; Triggering (language acquisition) ; Subset principle; Parametrization (language acquisition) ; Learnability (of language) ; Lernbarkeit (von Sprache) ; Spracherwerb (Theorie) ; Language acquisition (theory of) ; Poverty of the stimulus-argument; Theory (language acquisition) ; Sprachwandel (synt.) ; Syntactic change ; Typologie; Typology; Language typology ; Syntax (Theorie) ; Syntactic theory; Theory (synt.)
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