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Bibliographic description
Title Symposium on lexicography III
proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Lexicography, May 14-16, 1986 at the University of Copenhagen
Involved pers. Hyldgaard-Jensen, Karl; Zettersten, Arne; Wiegand, Herbert Ernst; Viehweger, Dieter; Hausmann, Franz Josef; Wierzbicka, Anna; Strauß, Gerhard; Hartmann, R.R.K.; Osselton, Noel E.; Magnusson, Ulf; Persson, Gunnar; Manley, James; Jacobsen, Jane; Pedersen, Viggo Hjørnager; Tottie, Gunnel; Aitken, A. J.; Stellingsma, Hans; Nielsen, Jorgen E.; Jacobson, Sven; Kabell, Inge; Nerius, Dieter; Mettinger, Arthur; Möller, Elisabeth; Opitz, Kurt; Lauridsen, Hanne; Haastrup, Niels; Reichmann, Oskar; Herberg, Dieter
Place : Publ. Tübingen: Niemeyer
Year 1988
Written in German; English
Extent XI, 532 S.
ISBN 3-484-30919-9
Series Lexicographica. Series maior; 19
General topics / Conferences
Domains / History of language / Semantic change
Levels / Lexicography
Levels / Lexicography / Grammatical information (in dictionaries)
Levels / Lexicography / Dictionaries / Learner's dictionary
Levels / Lexicography / Dictionaries / Orthographic dictionary
Levels / Lexicography / Dictionaries / Bilingual dictionary
Levels / Lexicology / Lexical field / Politics (lex. f.)
Levels / Lexicology / Fixed expression / Collocation
Levels / Morphology / Word formation / Compounding / Nominal compound
Levels / Semantics / Theory (semant.) / Markedness (semant.)
Indo-European languages / Germanic / German
Indo-European languages / Germanic / English
Indo-European languages / Germanic / Scandinavian languages / Danish
Indo-European languages / Germanic / Scandinavian languages / Swedish
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Conferences ; Language change (semant.) ; Sprachwandel (semant.) ; Semantic change ; Lexicography ; Grammatical information (in dictionaries) ; Learner's dictionary ; Orthographisches Wörterbuch; Orthographic dictionary ; Bilingual dictionary ; Politics (lex. f.) ; Colligation; Collocation ; Substantivkompositum; Compound noun; Nominal compound ; Markedness (semant.) ; German ; English ; Danish ; Swedish