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Author Search all publications by the author Thoonen, Geert; Maassen, Ben
Title Analysis of sound errors for the diagnostic differentiation of neurogenic speech disorders in children
Written in English
Notes 7 Literaturangaben
Source Anthology ICPhS <12, 1991, Aix-en-Provence>. Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences ; 3. Mardi 20 août. - Aix-en-Provence : Univ. de Provence, Service de Publ.
Year 1991
Page 326-329
Domains / Language acquisition / Phonological development / Articulation (child language)
Domains / Language acquisition / Handicapped language acquisition
Domains / Speech pathology / Articulation (pathol.)
Redirected from
Articulation (child language) ; Kindersprache (pathol.) ; Child language (pathol.) ; Specific language impairment; SLI; Dysgrammatismus (Kindersprache) ; Dysgrammatism (child language) ; Handicapped language acquisition ; Motor speech disorder; Sprachpathologie (phonet.) ; Language pathology (phonet.) ; Artikulation (pathol.) ; Articulation (pathol.)