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Bibliographic description
Author Search all publications by the author Martin, Nadine; Laine, Matti; Harley, Trevor A.
Title How can connectionist cognitive models of language inform models of language rehabilitation?
Written in English
Notes 80 Literaturangaben
Source Anthology The handbook of adult language disorders. - New York [u.a.] : Psychology Press
Year 2002
Page 375-396
General topics / Reference books
Domains / Cognitive science / Connectionism
Domains / Speech pathology
Domains / Speech pathology / Speech therapy / Assessment criterion (speech therapy)
Redirected from
Nachschlagewerke; Reference books ; Neural networks; Dynamic neural field theory; Cascade processing; Connectionism ; Sprachfehler; Language attrition (pathol.) ; Language loss (pathol.) ; Sprachverlust (pathol.) ; Speech pathology ; Screening (speech therapy) ; Assessment criterion (speech therapy)